Latest Episodes

Rejoice, The Lord is King - HH24411
The death of Christ is an argument for our salvation that cannot be overthrown. We can indeed Rejoice that Christ, the Lord is the...

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling - HH24410
In this episode, we explore the topic of light as it relates to the sanctuary, through the magnificent hymn Love Divine, All Loves Excelling....

Sitting at the Feet of Jesus - HH24409
For the Christian, prayer is the breath of the soul; it is pouring out the heart to God, and knowing that He will see...

Break Thou the Bread of Life - HH24408
The sanctuary and its services, which formed the centre of worship for God’s ancient people, reveal to us the everlasting gospel: God’s plan to...

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - HH24407
Since ancient times, God’s people have employed sacred song as a part of their spiritual experience. How have hymns come to have such a...

Let All Things Now Living - HH24406
God’s tender care for His people, and the way in which He guides them, is one of the most comforting themes of scripture. Explore...